

Morning Sickness Means It’s a Baby Boy/Girl: Debunking the Myth.

Introduction: Congratulations! You’re pregnant! A whirlwind of emotions likely swirls within you – excitement, anticipation, maybe even a touch of nervousness. Along with the joy comes a barrage of questions, and perhaps you’ve encountered a few well-meaning but outdated myths about pregnancy. One common tale claims the severity of your morning sickness hints at your […]

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Debunking the Myth: Eating for Two is Essential for a Healthy Pregnancy

Introduction: Congratulations! You’re pregnant! Excitement and anticipation likely bubble alongside a whirlwind of questions. One common piece of advice you might encounter is the age-old adage: “You’re eating for two now!” While well-meaning, this advice can be misleading. So, is doubling your calorie intake truly necessary for a healthy pregnancy? Let’s debunk this myth and

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Busting the Myth: Lifting Weights Can Hurt Your Pregnancy (Just Your Assumptions)

Congratulations! You’re pregnant and embarking on a beautiful journey. A wave of information (and sometimes misinformation) might surround you amidst the excitement. One common myth regarding fitness: lifting weights during pregnancy is harmful. Let’s dispel this notion and empower you to embrace a safe and effective exercise routine that incorporates lifting weights during pregnancy! Ecstatic

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Myth Busted: Having Sex During Pregnancy Won’t Harm Your Baby (Just Your Worries)

Congratulations! You’re pregnant, and excitement is likely bubbling alongside a whirlwind of questions, including intimacy concerns. One common myth: sex during pregnancy can harm the baby. Let’s dispel this notion and empower you to enjoy a healthy and fulfilling sex life throughout your pregnancy! Myth Debunked – Sex During Pregnancy Harm Your Baby: Say goodbye

Myth Busted: Having Sex During Pregnancy Won’t Harm Your Baby (Just Your Worries) Read More »

5 Pregnancy Cravings Myths Debunked: Genetics Shape Your Baby, Not Your Diet

Introduction: Are you craving pickles and ice cream? Does your partner insist those cravings will give your baby a rosy complexion or a sweet tooth? While pregnancy cravings are a fascinating phenomenon, this particular myth needs debunking. Let’s explore the science behind cravings and discover the truth about influencing your baby’s appearance through food choices.

5 Pregnancy Cravings Myths Debunked: Genetics Shape Your Baby, Not Your Diet Read More »

Copper T: Your Comprehensive Guide To Long-Lasting Birth Control

Introduction: Wondering if the Copper T IUD(intra uterine device) right for you? Dive into this comprehensive guide to understand its effectiveness, benefits, and considerations. Choosing birth control can be overwhelming. Concerns about hormones, effectiveness, and long-term effects might leave you feeling lost. The Copper T IUD presents a solution: a hormone-free, long-acting birth control option,

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“Understanding Bartholin Cysts: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Options”

Introduction: Bartholin Cyst: Ever felt a lump down there and panicked? You’re not alone. Let’s explore Bartholin cysts, a common concern for many women. Problem Agitation: Lumps near the vagina can be alarming, triggering worry and confusion. You might wonder if it’s serious and what next? Solution Introduction: This guide sheds light on Bartholin cysts,

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White Discharge: A complete Guide for Women In15 Steps

Introduction: White Discharge Noticed and feeling panicked? You’re not alone! This is a natural occurrence, but let’s understand what it means. Problem Agitation: Seeing white discharge can be unsettling, triggering questions about hygiene, infections, and overall health. You might wonder if it’s normal, a sign of something serious, or how to deal with it. Solution

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Morning Sickness? Nausea & Vomiting: A Guide to Embracing a Smooth Pregnancy Journey

Introduction to Morning Sickness: the sun starts to rise, making the sky turn pink and orange. You reach for your favorite mug, ready to greet the day with a steaming cup of coffee. But as you bring the mug to your lips, a wave of nausea washes over you. The coffee that once promised a

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Breech Birth Options: 3 Delivery Choices & How to Plan Your Birth

Understanding Breech: A Cause for Concern For most moms, the image of childbirth involves a head-first arrival. It’s the natural order of things. But sometimes, our little ones have plans of their own. Some babies choose a breech position, settling in the womb with their feet or bottom first.While not inherently dangerous, a breech presentation

Breech Birth Options: 3 Delivery Choices & How to Plan Your Birth Read More »

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